Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Sweet Seat

It is such an absolutely beautiful spring day today that being outside on the property is a must! Lots of prep work for the garden to be done. Only one problem... my favorite work around the house and yard jeans are showing their age.

My poor jeans have defiantly seen better days. They are just about thread bare. There is a large hole in the left knee but that doesn't bother me. Isn't that fashionable right now anyway? No one could say that I'm not in style!

The problem is the large rip in (you guessed it) the seat! I love these jeans though. So, before the work outside can proceed, I'll have to mend them. Hmmm... what to do.

My favorite pair of shorts when I was a teenager was actually a pair that I swiped from my mom. It was a pair of cut off Levi button fly jeans. They were a perfect fit! The thing that I loved best was the patches on the butt. They were flowers and hearts (a definite product of the sixties). So cute! I always wore them with my bright orange "Hang Loose" t-shirt that I brought back from Hawaii (the shirt was cut short of course because... it was the 80's). Loved that outfit. I would share a picture if I had one. For how often I wore them, I'm surprised that I don't. Mom eventually confiscated them, much to my dismay. I should see if she still has them and take them back.

Anyway, when I was deciding how to mend my jeans that is what popped into my head. I decided on the hearts. Quick and easy. I always have tons of denim around so I picked out a contrasting swatch, I used three different colors of thread to sew the hearts and left the edges raw so that they would fray when washed. It only took about 20 minutes and my old friend was good as new!

Now, I don't usually take pics of my rear, but I wanted you to be able to see the end result. My husband will be thrilled though! Over the years he has taken hundreds of photos of my back side! At least now, with digital cameras, I can erase them and not pay good money to develop them unaware. So, this one's on me honey. They turned out cute if I do say so myself!

Now that my jeans are mended though, it is time to enjoy this day. I'm off to the garden! Hope it is nice where you are too. Till we meet again....

Tina :)

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