With Easter fast approaching, my interest in naturally dyed eggs has been renewed. In keeping with my goal of a more homemade and chemical free lifestyle, I felt this would be something to look into. Of course, if you have access to eggs from an Araucana chicken (sometimes called Easter Egg Chickens) there is no need to dye them as they are a variety of beautiful colors all on their own.
Now I know that Easter eggs are not really a Christian theme for the holiday but none the less, I know that it is something that many folks like to do. They are so pretty after all. So, I have searched the web looking for natural dyes that you could make with ingredients which you could find at your local grocery store. Here is what I found.
At Chemistry on About.com I found some excellent info on how to dye naturally. They even suggest to boil your eggs in the dye instead of soaking them after boiling which I thought would be a great time saver. Listed in their color chart are several different options for each color. I think that this is my favorite link for common ingredient colors.
Big Sis Lil Sis, as you can see put a beautiful spin on hand dyed eggs. She offers a tutorial on how to achieve absolutely amazing designs and colors on her eggs. I am in absolute awe of these. This will definitely be on my list of things to try. These are quite simply amazing!
For a no mess way to dye using Mason Jars eHow has an article written by 17apart that is eggcellent (ok, I couldn't resist). I use mason jars for so many things, now I have a new one. I will using this method with my various dyes.
So, now that I have the all of this info I am off to town to get my ingredients to make beautiful and natural egg dyes. I don't think that I will stop at eggs though. I think that I will be using these dyes for a lot of different projects as well. You could color fabric, fleece, homemade paper, stain wood and so many other things. I think that you could use these natural dyes on anything which would absorb them. I think that I have found a new hobby.
In closing, a reminder.... Easter is not about colored eggs, bunnies and baby chicks. It is about our redemption and salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the reason for this season.
God Bless!
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